
VI Pedagogical Forum of Bahiana brings specialist in Generation Y

?Living with different generations?


Uma programação especial foi preparada para o VI Fórum Pedagógico da Bahiana que este ano traz como tema Isto não é uma aula de matemática: como transformar (gBb + gX) ÷ (gY + gZ)    em    gBb + gX + gY + gZ . Nos dias 22 e 23 de outubro, professores e coordenadores pedagógicos estarão reunidos na Unidade Acadêmica Cabula, quando participarão de uma série de atividades que têm como objetivo principal atualizar, capacitar e melhor preparar o corpo docente da Escola para o próximo ano letivo. A programação contará, este ano, com a participação de Eline Kullock, especialista em Recursos Humanos que vai ministrar a palestra “Convivendo com as diferentes gerações”, no sábado (23/10).


The schedule of the VI Pedagogical Forum starts at 08 am on Friday (22/10), in the auditorium of the Convention Center of the Bahiana. Throughout the day, several lectures will be given by professors from Bahiana and guest experts. Check the schedule of the workshops.

On Saturday, the schedule is special. A lecture will be given by Eline Kullock, Human Resources consultant and president of Focus Group.

With the theme “Living with the different generations”, Kullock will draw the profile of the different generations, starting with Veterans – born between 1922 and 1943, until Generation Y – young people born between 1980 and 2000. From there, she will help the public to understand the dynamics of the younger generation, the one that enters the labor market and will head the veterans in a short time.

Eline Kullock

Formada em administração de empresas pela FGV-RJ, em 1976, e MBA Executivo pela Coppead – UFRJ, Eline também é sócia da Stanton Chase Internacional, multinacional de executive search, baseada em Londres.

She also writes articles for newspapers and magazines, discussing the trends of organizations and their employees, in addition to the behavior of young people and the influence of video games on their professional performance, having been a source for the national press on the subject, especially when it comes to "Generation Y". All of its content is based on current studies and research.

His know-how is also a source of reference in HR matters for media outlets such as Gazeta Mercantil, Exame, TV Globo, Folha de São Paulo, Veja magazine, among others.

She started her career in the board of directors of Mesbla Department Store, acting as Director of Human Resources, Strategic Planning and Organization. She was also Director of Servenco, a holding that brings together construction, development, property management, Hotel and Shopping Center Management companies.

This is not a math class: how to transform
(gBb + gX) ÷ (gY + gZ) to gBb + gX + gY + gZ.

October 22nd and 23rd | Cabula Academic Unit

Workshop Schedule

Friday - October 22nd

Morning - 8am to 12pm

Group: place of difference
Prof. Ubton Nascimento (Psychology)
Prof. Georgina Enriquez Tachy (Occupational Therapy)
Jobs by: 25
Objective: Proposes the use of group processes as a pedagogical resource in the classroom. The difference is the peculiarity of the groups, so it can be used as an enriching pedagogical tool for teaching-learning processes in the classroom. It puts sociometric configurations at the service of spontaneity in the student-teacher-student relationship.

Concept maps as a pedagogical strategy
Prof. Selma Brito (Pedagogue, Specialist in Academic Management and Learning Problems and Vice-Director of Colégio Portinari)
Jobs by: 20
Objective: To present concept maps as a methodological proposal to develop meaningful learning.

Cultural mutation and the teacher's place in contemporary times
Prof. Margarida Serrão (Psychologist, Psychoanalyst, Lugar Clínica and Colégio Portinari ) and
Prof. Cláudio Carvalho (Psychologist, Psychoanalyst, Lugar Clinic and Colégio Portinari)
Jobs by: 20
Objective: Offer a listening space so that teachers can express themselves in relation to the challenges imposed by their professional practice, reflecting on the social place occupied by them in contemporary times. 

Virtual environment: a tool in favor of teaching and learning
Prof. Iêda Aleluia, Prof. Sara Santos (Medicine) and
Prof. Lilian Marinho (Nursing)
Jobs by: 20 
Objective: To analyze and expand the use of VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) in health education, analyzing the advantages of this tool in the teaching-learning process. 

Nice to meet you, I'm ABP!
Prof. Jorge Clarence S. Andrade, Prof. Marcos Ribeiro,
Prof. Cláudia de Carvalho Santana (Nursing) and
Prof. Carina Oliveira (Nursing and Physiotherapy)
Vacancies: 30 (two groups of 15 participants)
Objective: To train teachers for the planning and elaboration of cases in Problem-Based Learning.

Evening - 14 pm to 18 pm

Construction of learning assessment using technological resources
Prof. Marta Menezes, Prof. Vitor Nunes, Prof. Suzana Vasconcelos,
Prof. Luiz Soares and Prof. Emerentino Elton (Medicine)
Jobs by: 30
- Information about different assessment and learning models;
- Reflection on the adequacy of the assessment tool to the intended objective;
- Reflection on skills to be assessed;
- Information and search strategies for technological resources that can be used in the assessment;
- Elements to plan and prepare an assessment using technological resources.

Self-Assessment in an Integral Perspective
Prof. Dr. André Luis Peixinho (Medicine)
Jobs by: 30 
Objectives:  The changes being made in the teaching/learning processes are based on new, more complex educational parameters, such as the biopsycho-socioenvironmental and spiritual approach, the transdisciplinary understanding of events, the more complex faculties of learning such as multiple intelligences and of psychological typologies, the holoarchies of consciousness and its proximal zones, among others. In this context, the roles of teacher and student have also become more complex, requiring the teacher to change from being a transmitter of validated knowledge to being a holocentric facilitator. This workshop will allow health teachers to identify, without judgment, the evolutionary stage of their teaching work, envisioning new possibilities for transforming action.

The use of the Seminar as a methodology active teaching and learning
Prof. Ana Sueli Pinho (Pedagogue, Master and Doctoral Student in Education and Contemporary - UNEB)
Jobs by: 25
- Distinguish teaching methodologies, classifying them as active or directive;
- Point out the theoretical-methodological assumptions that guide the use of active methodologies in higher education;
- Analyze the use of seminars in Higher Education, pointing out principles that should guide this teaching practice;
- Describe the steps to carry out the seminar in higher education;
- Recognize the possibilities of the Seminar as an assessment tool in Higher Education.

Teaching techniques, successful experiences and difficulties
Prof. Hygia Guerreiro (Biomedicine)
Jobs by: 25
Objective: to improve teaching techniques with a view to making better use of learning.

I assess, you assess, we assess, they assess...
Prof. Adelaide Rezende (Pedagogue and Partner-Director of Consultec) and
Prof. Nadja Junquilho (Pedagogue and Educational Projects Manager at Consultec)
Monitors: Prof. Violeta Rogério de Carvalho and Prof. Vera Codes
Jobs by: 30
- Analyze different conceptions, types, functions and assumptions of evaluation processes.
- Present different types of questions and their applicability, emphasizing:
   - the attributes of objective and subjective questions;
   - verification of skills and abilities;
   - the relevance of using the principles of contextualization and interdisciplinarity;
   - the interpretation of results, based on evidenced performance.
- Exercise the methodology of preparing items for use in evaluations.


13 the 20 October

Academic Unit Secretariats