
Aging is the theme of the congress

October 28th and 29th at the Cabula Academic Unit Auditorium


With the improvement in the quality of life, thanks to greater access to care and information about health, the increase in Brazilian life expectancy has increased, creating new demands in the most diverse fields, especially in the health sector. Thus, the Psychology and Health Promotion Research Group and the Integral Care for the Elderly Nucleus of Bahiana realizam, nos dias 28 e 29 de outubro, a I Jornada sobre as dimensões do envelhecer: saúde, segurança e participação.

Aimed at students, teachers and health professionals with an interest in the theme of aging, the Journey is expected to contribute to the implementation of the Elderly Statute and the National Policy for Elderly Care. The event is the result of I meeting on the elderly and aging in the teaching, research and extension of Bahiana, which happened last August 10th.

The Journey intends to go beyond discussing the topic in an academic environment. The idea is also to give visibility to society, enabling dialogue and future partnerships. Enrollment runs from September 17th to October 17th, at the Department of Postgraduate Studies, Research and Extension of the Bahiana, in academic units Brotas (Av. Don João VI, 275, Brotas. Phone: 71. 3276-8265) and Cabula (Av. Silveira Martins, 3386 – Cabula. Phone: 71. 3257-8206). To register, the interested party must invest R$ 20,00 and 01 package of geriatric diapers.