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I Meeting of Academic Secretariats of Bahiana


Last Saturday (11/09), in the morning, more than one hundred collaborators from the Academic Secretariats of the Bahiana participated in an important meeting towards the technological development of the institution. Past, Present and Future: The arrival of Academic Secretariats to the digital world foi o tema do Inova Bahiana - XNUMXst Meeting of Academic Secretariats of Bahiana.

A iniciativa tem como proposta implantar um novo sistema de arquivamento digital das novas Secretarias Acadêmicas, tornando o gerenciamento de documentos educacionais mais seguro e eficiente e melhorando o atendimento a estudantes e professores. Além disso, o iNova Bahiana também tem como objetivo a redução no consumo de papel, contribuindo para a preservação do meio ambiente. Desta forma, o projeto tem por lema – Consciência Ambiental. Um conceito que a Bahiana está tirando do papel.

To guarantee the success of Inova Bahiana, the institution has, from now on, the Consultancy in Educational Affairs – CONSAE, which, at the meeting, was represented by Prof. Abigail França Ribeiro and consultant Tiago Cardoso. In their words, they presented the advantages of full computerization, the guarantee that digital certification gives to academic documents and how these innovations benefit everyone in the institution, whether collaborators, professors or students.

The program also featured the words of the general director of Bahiana, Prof. Dr. Maria Luísa Carvalho Soliani and the Secretary General, Prof. Vera Martins. Also present were the People Development Coordinator, Luiza Ribeiro, the NAPP Coordinator, Maria Angélica Mendes, as well as course coordinators and teachers. The event ended with a get-together lunch.