
Psychology Student at Bahiana is nationally awarded

Rachel Malheiros takes 3rd place in the Silvia Lane Award from ABEP - Brazilian Association for Teaching Psychology  


The student of the Psychology course at Bahiana, Rachel Malheiros Teixeira, ficou entre os 10 melhores estudantes brasileiros com trabalhos científicos inscritos no Prêmio Silvia Lane **, 4ª edição (2009 – 2010). Com a monografia As atribuições de Franco Basaglia para o campo da saúde mental e da reforma psiquiátrica brasileira, Rachel conquistou o terceiro lugar  e terá seu trabalho publicado no site da Associação Brasileira de Ensino de Psicologia – ABEP, entidade responsável pela premiação e na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde.

Divided into the categories of Course Completion Paper – TCC – and Internship Report – RE -, the Silvia Lane Award is an ABEP initiative and aims to disseminate and encourage research in the field of psychology in Brazil. The first place in each category, in addition to having the work published, received as an award, the cost of travel and accommodation to participate in the III Brazilian Congress of Psychology: Science and Profession.

Click here and learn more about the Silvia Lane Award 

** Silvia Lane (1933/2006), professor and director of PUC/SP, was one of the people who most contributed to the development of Psychology in Brazil. Author of several works in the field of Psychology, especially in the area of ​​the analysis of subjectivity, she believed in and fought for the Latin American union in the field of Psychology.

Professor Silvia Lane founded ABRAPSO, the Brazilian Association of Social Psychology. As a member of the faculty of the graduate program in Social Psychology at PUC/SP, he helped train many professors who today, throughout the country, teach a psychology guided by critical thinking, concerned with the urgent needs of Brazilian society.