
LACIM carries out extension action at Praça Ana Lúcia Magalhães

The initiative aimed to promote awareness about Pink October and Blue November.


Raise awareness among the population about Pink October and Blue November. This was the objective of the extension action carried out by the Academic League of Morphofunctional Sciences Intercursos da Bahiana (LACIM), at Praça Ana Lúcia Magalhães, on the morning of November 4th. The program included blood pressure measurement and guidance on healthy health habits and breast and prostate cancer.

The activity was coordinated by professors Rafael Lélis, Cláudia Furtado and Jaqueline Marotti, with the participation of Medicine students. The action also included the participation of mastologist Sálvia Canguçu. “An extremely important event to alert the population about breast cancer. The population's orientation changes history, changes diagnoses, changes treatments. Early diagnosis saves lives”, highlighted the doctor.

Alef Santiago, a 5th semester Medicine student, highlights that extension activities enrich the learning of how medicine can make a difference in a person's life: “We are able to have contact with a diverse audience, of all ages, social classes, ethnicity. And this gives us a very rich perspective in relation to the population’s perception of knowledge of health topics, especially the one we are addressing in the action”. LACIM professor and coordinator, Rafael Lélis, points out the action as an important health prevention initiative: “It is a tradition of Bahiana provide education and health for our community. This is yet another action, with the support of LACIM leaders and other teachers, with the aim of drawing attention to care and prevention. We need, every day, to provide more actions of this type.”