
Bahiana celebrates World Environment Day by planting seedlings

Action took place on campus Brotas and Kabula.


World Environment Day was celebrated at the Bahiana, on June 5th, with the planting of Grumixama (Eugenia Brasilienses) seedlings, a tree native to the Atlantic Forest and endemic to Brazil, on the campuses Brotas and Kabula. The initiative was coordinated by the committee Bahiana Verde, whose multidisciplinary team is made up of professors, managers and technicians from different areas of the institution, with the aim of deliberating and executing socio-environmental education projects and actions, based on the concept of integral health and collective health.

Teachers, employees and students participated in the action. “It was wonderful to participate, because, in addition to putting me in contact with the earth and with this energy that comes from nature, it is a plant and we know how a plant makes a difference in our environment, in our planet”, declared Ravena Aguiar de Almeida, Student of the 4th semester of Dentistry.

The member of Bahiana Verde and professor of the Biomedicine course Juliana Lima Spínola, says that the committee has been investing in communication and environmental education. “Today we have the objective of showing the concern of the Bahiana with environmental health, understanding that there is no human health without the health of the planet”.