Research and Innovation

Periodicals of portal Bahiana Journals have been indexed by EBSCO

Indexing base for scientific articles offers free access to researchers and interested parties.


The scientific journals Journal of Physiotherapy Research (JPR), Revista Psicologia, Diversidade e Saúde (RPDS), Journal of Contemporary Nursing (JCN), Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare (Evidence) e Revista Internacional de Educação e Saúde (IJEH), que integram o portal Bahiana Journals, have just been indexed by EBSCO, one of the leading companies in providing open access scientific content for research, managing e-journal and e-package subscriptions, and a leading provider of library, e-book and clinical decision solutions for universities, colleges, hospitals, corporations, government, schools and public libraries worldwide.

The executive editor of the scientific journal portal Bahiana Journals, João Barreto, explains that the indexing process is similar to a quality seal, an endorsement by the scientific community for the journal. He tells that the Bahiana has been focusing on the professionalization of the sector's operational team, strengthening the training of executive editors and interns in the best practices in scientific publishing. Ahead of the scientific dimension of the editorial flow, the editors-in-chief of each title (professors of the Bahiana) are careful to compel editors, reviewers and authors to deliver methodologically rigorous articles that are as transparent and reproducible as possible.

According to the manager of the Scientific Communication Center at Bahiana, Prof. Dr. Kátia Sá, being indexed by EBSCO strengthens the portal's progressive internationalization process Bahiana Journals and the institution itself, as the content of the journals is distributed through EBSCO's product portfolio to a variety of libraries of higher education and research institutions based in English-speaking countries: “Belonging to this base of English language data means, in other words, that world science recognizes that the content published by us is reliable”.