species mapping


licuala grandis


Scientific name: Licuala grandis

Family: Arecaceae

Origin: Oceania.

Popular names: licuala, licuala palm, liquala palm, totuma, big licuala, Japanese fan palm.

Natural occurrence: equatorial, subtropical and tropical climates.

Characteristics: it is a small, slow-growing palm tree that rarely exceeds three meters in height. Its stipe (trunk) is unique and of little diameter. It draws attention, however, for its unique leaves. They are large, round to triangular, leathery, bright green in color, pleated and with a toothed margin.

Uses: it is ornamental, being more used and known decorating well-lit indoor environments, potted, as a stunning foliage. Care must be taken to place it in very large environments, as it can easily become disproportionate to the location.

Source: https://www.jardineiro.net/plantas/palmeira-leque-licuala-grandis.html


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