species mapping


Citrus limon


Scientific name: Citrus lemon

Family: Rutaceae

Origin: Southeast Asia.

Popular names: lemon tree or Sicilian lemon.

Natural occurrence: equatorial, Mediterranean, subtropical and tropical climate.

Characteristics: the lemon tree is an evergreen tree that reaches up to 6m in height, with branched branches, alternate, oval and serrated leaves. The generally white flowers are very fragrant and grouped in clusters.

The fruits have a thick and yellow skin, with an elongated shape. It can be reproduced by cutting the branches, and appreciates sandy soil and well fertilized, being cultivated in hot or temperate climate regions.

Uses: The fruits and peels are widely used in the form of juice, refreshments, teas, desserts, etc.

Considered a panacea for infectious problems, lemon stands out for its antiseptic, antirheumatic, antibacterial, antioxidant and antipyretic actions.

Source: https://www.escoladebotanica.com.br/post/o-limao-verdadeiro

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