species mapping


Pliny cauliflora


Scientific name: Plinia cauliflora   

Family: Myrtaceae

Origin: Native Atlantic Forest, Brazil.

Popular names: jabuticaba, jabuticaba-de-cabinho, jabuticaba-açu, jabuticaba-sabará, jabuticaba-tuba.

Natural occurrence: Native to Brazil, from Pará to Rio Grande do Sul.

Characteristics: jaboticaba is 100% native to the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. The tree, up to ten meters high, has a light, spotted, smooth trunk, up to 40 cm in diameter. The leaves, simple, are up to 7 cm long.

It flowers in spring and summer, producing a large amount of fruit. Flowers (and fruits) grow in clusters on the trunk and branches. Its small fruits, with black skin and white pulp adhered to the only seed, have pigments, tannins, vitamins, fibers and mineral salts. The pulp contains iron, phosphorus, calcium, vitamin C and niacin (vitamin B complex).

Uses: The fruits are an excellent source of nutrition for humans and other animals. They are consumed mainly in natura, or in preparations such as jellies, juices, smoothies, mousses, cakes, among others. Because it is a fruit rich in compounds with antioxidant action, it helps prevent wrinkles and sagging, as well as preventing the onset of diseases such as cancer, heart attack and atherosclerosis.

Sources: https://pt.wikipedia.org; https://www.tuasaude.com/jabuticaba/


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