species mapping


Tabebuia roseo-alba


Scientific name: Tabebuia roseo-alba.

Family: Bignoniaceae

Origin: Brazil

Popular names: ipê-branco, itaipoca, pau-d'arco, taipoca, among others.

Natural occurrence: in the North, Northeast, Southeast and Midwest regions of Brazil. And also in Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru.

Characteristics: tree up to 25 meters high, found both inside the primary forest and in secondary formations. It occurs sparsely in the caatinga of the Northeast and very often in gravel terrain on the banks of the Mato Grosso wetland. Its flowering is rare and ephemeral, there is no one who does not admire this snow tree.

Usage: widely used in landscaping gardens, squares and streets. It is easily recognized for its intense flowering, which adorns parks and public walks. Ideal for planting on sidewalks and medians on streets and avenues.


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