species mapping


Psidium guava


Scientific name: Psidium guajava

Family: Myrtaceae

Origin: South America (From Venezuela to Rio de Janeiro).

Popular names: araçá-das-almas, raçá-guaiaba, guava tree, white guava tree, red guava tree, guaiaba, guaiava, guaiba, guava, guiaba, mepera.

Natural occurrence: Atlantic rainforest and humid soils.

Characteristics: shrub or small tree, fruitful and typically tropical. It has a tortuous trunk, with smooth bark, which when it ages comes off in thin brown sheets. Its tree canopy can reach up to seven meters in height, with aromatic, white leaves.

Flowering occurs in spring, only on branches produced during the current year. The fruiting of the guava tree extends from summer to autumn, but it can be managed through pruning so that it lasts all year.

Uses: consumed by humans and wildlife as a nutritional source. The leaves are used in teas or infusions, against diarrhea and to treat inflammation of the mouth and throat or in local ulcer washes.

Sources: https://pt.wikipedia.org; https://g1.globo.com


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