species mapping


Schinus terebinthifolius raddi


Scientific name: Schinus terebinthifolius raddi

Family: Anacardiaceae.

Origin: Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay.

Popular names: aroeira-mansa, fruit-of-thrush, mastic-red, mastic-pimenteira, mastic-of-medicine.

Natural occurrence: coast of Ceará to the south of the country.

Characteristics: medium tree 5m to 10m high, wide canopy, compound leaves, small flowers and drupe-like fruits, bright red, aromatic, giving the tree a remarkable beauty.

Living up to one of its popular names, “fruto-de-sabiá”, the mastic is one of the most sought after species by avifauna in our country. Another quality of this species is its ability to occupy degraded areas.

Uses: aroeira-mansa is one of the plants in the Brazilian pharmacopoeia. Consisting of the ANVISA Phytotherapy Form, as a gynecological healing and anti-inflammatory.

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