
Fertile ideas deserve to be planted: Bahiana Verde makes donation of organic compost

The initiative aims to draw the attention of the community of Bahiana to change ideas in favor of sustainability.


The Committee Bahiana Verde promove ação de doação de composto orgânico no mês de março, no Campus Brotas and at Campus Cabula, with the aim of drawing the attention of students, professors and employees of Bahiana to change ideas in favor of sustainability. With the return of classes in person, the initiative also aims to sensitize the community to the need to reduce the production of waste, encouraging the habit of recycling and home composting.

The action seeks to increase the visibility of the School's environmental policy, involving the academic community in the actions of the Bahiana Verde. Em especial, apresenta o Programa aos calouros, favorecendo sua ambientação de forma criativa e amorosa.

"The period during the pandemic, when everyone was further away, also served to reflect on environmental issues more constantly", explained Alana Araújo, from the administrative sector of the Library and who is helping the action. Therefore, at this time of recovery, the campaign reinforces the positive message in relation to the environment and promotes contact with nature.

The kits donated to students, teachers and employees in the technical-administrative area contain 1 kg of organic fertilizer, resulting from the collection of leaves and fruits from the green areas of the Bahiana during the period of the pandemic. 24m³ of compost was produced, which corresponds to two earthen buckets. Arranged in windrows on the Cabula Campus, the constant collection of organic material will enable the installation of permanent donation points throughout the school year. In the first week, around 900 kits were distributed on both campuses.

The composting campaign also makes an analogy to planting new ideas and a new beginning, so the stand of Bahiana Verde, instalado nos pátios da instituição, disponibiliza os adubos a todos os interessados, a fim de que possam se aproximar, conhecer a ação e ficar à vontade para participar da iniciativa. Os próximos dias da campanha serão: 16 e 18 de março.