
Virtual exhibition portrays uncertainties and fears during the pandemic

The images will be made available through the teacher's personal Instagram profile. Bahiana Almerio Junior.


With the aim of portraying the pandemic scenario of recent years through art, the plastic artist, pulmonologist and professor at Bahiana, Almério Machado Júnior, will hold the virtual exhibition entitled “Et Plaga”. The artistic exhibition will take place throughout the 26th of February, through the teacher's personal Instagram profile (@almerioj). 

The exhibition was created from the concern of the doctor Almério Júnior, when thinking of ways to reveal what he has experienced in recent years, having followed almost 400 people with Covid-19 and lost some patients to the disease. In addition, at the global level, millions of deaths and a series of economic and social difficulties were recorded, while feelings of fear and uncertainty prevailed. 

“This period marked me a lot because of the feeling of impotence, when there were no treatments and health professionals needed to keep the patient alive and in dignified conditions. Unfortunately, sometimes the efforts were not enough”, highlights the pulmonologist. The doctor reports that social insecurity and suffering with isolation were the main motivations for elaborating the exposure. Therefore, as he explained, most of the works that will be presented were done in the years 2020 and 2021, inspired by the context of the pandemic.