
List of Summoned Selection Process 2022.1 - ENEM 3

Check out the list of candidates for courses in Biomedicine, Physical Education, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Dentistry and Psychology.


The list of those summoned in the Selection Process 2022.1 - ENEM 3 for Biomedicine, Physical Education, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Dentistry and Psychology courses is available for conference on the website, on the Subscriber's Panel. 

Os candidatos convocados nesta lista terão sua vaga assegurada para as matrículas realizadas durante o período de 29/11 a 03/12/2021, de acordo com as orientações enviadas para o e-mail pessoal cadastrado na inscrição.

Documents Required for Enrollment:
- Academic Transcript and High School Completion Certificate;
- Id card;
- Registration of Individuals – CPF;
- Proof of residence;
- 3x4 photo.