
XXI Scientific and Cultural Exhibition - Public Notice for Student Commission

Check the notice. Registration until September 8th.


The Organizing Committee of the XXI Scientific and Cultural Exhibition, of the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, informs interested students that, from September 1 to 8, 2021, until 17:XNUMX pm, Brasília time, registration will be open for participation in the Student Committee of the XXI Scientific and Cultural Exhibition of Bahiana.

Check out Notice.

Those interested in participating must submit the documentation and the application form duly filled in to the e-mail

Estudantes e pesquisadores de instituições de ensino superior interessados em participar da XXI Mostra Científica e Cultural da Bahiana (MCC) can register until October 1st, through the address: Those who wish to submit work for presentation at the event have until September 12th. Check the notice for paper submission on this link.