
Lecture and workshops mark the first day of the XVII Pedagogical Forum of Bahiana

The event received as guests the professors Rogério de Almeida (USP) and Tiganá Santana (IHAC/UFBA).


"Livre pensar é só pensar". A frase do escritor e jornalista Millôr Fernandes foi a fonte inspiradora do XVII Fórum Pedagógico da Bahiana, which took place on August 20 and 21, bringing together the faculty in an immersion process, through virtual meetings on the Zoom platform. The activities had the participation of the dean of Bahiana, Dr. Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani and the professor of the Dentistry course and coordinator of the Institutional Center for Teacher Development – ​​NIDD, Sandra Brasil, coordinators of the event, in addition to the coordinator of People Development Prof. Luiza Ribeiro.

The opening lecture "A arte de Pensar" was given by prof. Rogério de Almeida, associate professor at the Faculty of Education at USP, PhD in Education and associate professor in Culture and Education. The guest professor's speech was about Edgar Morin's thought in building the process of teaching how to think. Afterwards, the participants were divided into groups to carry out a reflective workshop on the art of thinking. The results were discussed with Professor Rogério de Almeida.
Sob a lente da cosmovisão, o professor adjunto do Instituto de Humanidades, Artes e Ciências Prof. Milton Santos (IHAC/UFBA), doutor em Letras (USP), bacharel em Filosofia (UFBA) e músico Tiganá Santana abordou uma nova perspectiva das ciências, deixando de lado o ideal antropocêntrico, abrindo espaço para a diversidade no âmbito da saúde. A sua palestra “Capoeira do Pensamento” abriu espaço para uma nova série de oficinas com os participantes no primeiro dia do XVII Fórum Pedagógico da Bahiana.

Check out how the second day the event.