Research and Innovation

Bahiana is awarded for scientific productions at an international congress

Medical students Camila Verônica Freire and Maria Eduarda de Siervi represented the institution.


Bahiana, representada pelas estudantes do curso de Medicina Camila Verônica Souza Freire e Maria Eduarda Barreto de Siervi, foi premiada por suas produções científicas no Congresso Europeu de Radiologia de 2021 (ECR - 2021). O evento aconteceu entre os dias 3 e 7 de março, de forma on-line, pela plataforma Zoom. Bahiana participated in the meeting for the fourth time, through the Monitoring of Introduction to Operative Technique (MITO). Annually, the congress is held in Vienna, Austria.

The students won awards in the Rising Stars category, for the works submitted with the support of MITO. The research entitled "Can we stimulate medical students' evidence-based and cost-effective diagnostic reasoning in Radiology? Impact of a Choosing Wisely approach" had the abstract written by Camila Freire (first author), Gabriela Fagundes Saffe, Maria Eduarda Barreto de Siervi and Maria Eduarda Rodrigues de Araújo Dantas de Pinho, under the guidance of Prof.ª and Dr. Carolina Freitas Lins. The study “How can Branching Scenario tool transform and improve radiology education? The cross-sectional study" had student Maria Eduarda Barreto de Siervi as the first author of the abstract. 

In all, 13 works were submitted. Of these, only 32 were selected for the event. In addition Bahiana integrou a lista dos 6 melhores resumos estudantis do congresso e, por isso, Camila Freire, responsável pela elaboração do resumo de uma das pesquisas, pode participar do congresso, ao vivo, no dia 6 de março, para apresentar o estudo. “Os trabalhos tiveram tudo a ver com a Medicina Baseada em Evidências e Choosing Wisely no ensino da Radiologia”, explica Camila Freire ao destacar que a instituição possui um papel fundamental na valorização desses temas, em especial, da medicina baseada em evidências, e que, graças a esse estímulo, foi possível desenvolver o raciocínio crítico e a motivação necessária para elaborar os projetos.

the student of Bahiana he also reported that the projects emphasized the importance of science in medicine as a guide for clinical reasoning. "The focus of the studies is on making wiser decisions, which improve the quality of medical care through scientific evidence, preventing harm to the health of patients and the health system." Camila Freire pointed out that it was extremely gratifying to contribute to scientific knowledge with such a pertinent topic, “mainly because we are in a political context that disregards data and evidence, which, unfortunately, harms many people”.