
XVIII Scientific Initiation Journey - PIBIC and PICS Tent are part of the XX MCC program

PIBIC Journey brings together the presentation of 212 works.


As part of the program of the XX Scientific and Cultural Exhibition of Bahiana, was held on November 20, the XVIII Scientific Initiation Journey with the participation of scholarship students and volunteers from the institution's Scientific Initiation Program. In all, 212 papers were presented in 15 virtual rooms, including seniors and beginners of the Scientific Initiation Program of Bahiana (CNPq, FAPESB, CÁRDIO PULMONAR Hospital, BAHIANA and Voluntary CI).

The evaluation of the works was carried out in an innovative way and in the perspective of interdisciplinarity, by professors who are members of the Scientific Initiation Committee of the Bahiana from different areas of knowledge, students from the Graduate Programs and external guests (FIOCRUZ and CTD).

Tent "Integrative and Complementary Practices in Health (PICS)"
Another activity that made up the XX MCC was the thematic tent "Integrative and Complementary Practices in Health (PICS)", which took place on the morning of November 21, via the zoom platform. The program was coordinated by the teachers and members of the Center for Integrative Practices of the Bahiana (CEPICS) Arlene Alves, Renata Roseghini and Lavínia Boaventura, who welcomed the participants. The program started with a moment of reception, in which the systemic therapist Graça Farabi presented the technique of “Integrative Community Therapy – a genuinely Brazilian experience of care” and coordinated a brief practice of the modality.

The moment of discussion on the current context of PICS in Brazil was marked by a round table with the participation of guests Anamélia Lins (UFBA), Caio Portela (CABSIn) and Ubiraci Pataxó, educator, indigenous therapist, apprentice, Pajé and researcher ( UFSB). The meeting ended with a biodance activity, coordinated by professor Hilda Nascimento.

MCC Workshops
In parallel to the tent, the following workshops were developed: "Anti-racist Higher Education: a decolonial perspective", with professor Bárbara Carine S. Pinheiro; "Scientific Disclosure: the importance of maintaining a dialogue with society", with physiotherapist Gabriel Venas; "Corporation in times of pandemic", with Tutto Gomes, and a drawing workshop with teacher Íris Pirajá.

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