
VI Professional Development Forum focuses on "Reinventing your Career"

Online event brought as guests Professor Caroline Feitosa and the Director of Human Resources and Information Technology at Kordsa, Luiz França.


Inspirador e formativo. Assim foi o VI Fórum de Desenvolvimento Profissional realizado no dia 15 de setembro, on-line, via YouTube, e que este ano trouxe como tema "Reinventando a sua carreira". O evento anual promovido pela Bahiana, through the Strategic Management of People and Learning (GEPAP), aims to sensitize employees about the social function of their profession and the development of their career in the institution. This year, the guest speakers were the psychologist, illustrator, doctor in epidemiology, professor at Bahiana and coordinator of the Integrated Program in Scientific Education and Epidemiology, Caroline Feitosa and the director of Human Resources and Information Technology at Kordsa, Luiz França.

The program opened with a presentation by the GEPAP manager, Telma Bastos, alongside the manager of People Development Selection, Allana Machado. Development actions for the year 2019 were then shown, such as the Libra training, the Secretariats seminar, the Libraries seminar, the Apprentices programs of Bahiana, Leader Development, the program aimed at People with Disabilities (PCD) and the Interns initiative Bahiana. Data supporting professional development and training were also presented, such as the education subsidy, which served 55 employees in the strategic, operational, teaching and tactical areas. In addition, the number of career projections within the institution was also highlighted.

“We are very happy when we see these little seeds bearing beautiful fruit. Our goal is for people to do what they like. Doing it with love, they will do much better”, declared Allana.


Mediados pela coordenadora de Desenvolvimento de Pessoas, prof.ª Luiza Ribeiro, o bate-papo com os palestrantes convidados possibilitou uma rica troca de experiências. O primeiro a dividir com os participantes sua vivência profissional foi Luiz França. "Resiliência é o ponto da jornada da vida e é o que nos torna muito mais fortes", destacou o palestrante ao narrar o início da sua vida em Utinga, interior da Bahia, de onde partiu com a sua família para São Paulo, em busca de melhores condições de vida.

On career development, he presented the concept of essential competence, which is composed of five points: "Passion: people need to find the way to fall in love with what they do; Admiration: you have to do things you admire yourself; Courage: act with the heart; Talent: comprehensiveness and depth; goodness must be integrated into the world. Complementarity: teamwork must be valued, but one must see and value what is good in the other".

A professora Caroline Feitosa trouxe uma apresentação poética, destacando a carreira como um caminho em construção. Ela também dividiu com o público a sua experiência de se reinventar na carreira profissional após ter desistido de um cargo como professora concursada em uma universidade pública para retornar à Bahiana, where he has already worked in several sectors. "Throughout these eight years of institution, I am more enchanted every day because it is an institution that actually has this look at what is good in the individual and has this look to develop the individual in his/her potential."