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Center for Integrative and Complementary Practices of Bahiana (CEPICS)


The Center for Integrative and Complementary Practices of Bahiana (CEPICS) was created in 2018 and includes several professors, students, graduates, employees of the Bahiana e parceiros externos, membros da RECEPICS-BA (uma rede de centros de práticas integrativas). Desde então, tem realizado diversas ações de ensino e extensão, sensibilização da comunidade acadêmica e práticas de cuidados, tanto nos espaços institucionais quanto na Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Salvador, com o programa Cuidando com a PICS, além de marcar presença em eventos internos e externos.

Integrative and Complementary Practices (PICS) seek to stimulate natural mechanisms for preventing health problems and recovering health through effective and safe technologies, with an emphasis on welcoming listening, on the development of therapeutic bonds, on the integration of human beings with the environment. /society and guidance for self-care.


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