
Result: Call for Voluntary Scientific Initiation 2020

Check the result and general guidelines for delivering the documents.


The Dean of Research, Innovation and Graduate Studies Stricto Sensu of Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública (EBMSP), through the Scientific and Technological Initiation Nucleus (NICTEC), ratifies and makes public the result of the Call for Voluntary Scientific Initiation 2020, aimed at students regularly enrolled in undergraduate courses.

Click here and check the result, in alphabetical order by course.

Os estudantes contemplados deverão encaminhar a documentação descrita na Chamada por meio do endereço eletrônico:, no período de 01 a 07 de julho de 2020.

Questions can be forwarded to NICTEC through the email address: or by WhatsApp (71) 99161-0241.