
Graduates of Biomedicine from Bahiana are approved in a national competition

Yasmin Pereira and Bruna Barros were selected for the positions of Biomedical Imagenologists of the Sarah Network of Hospitals.


Graduates of the Biomedicine course at Bahiana Yasmin Cristine Azevedo Pereira e Bruna de Castro Barros foram aprovadas no concurso da Rede Sarah de Hospitais de Reabilitação para a Seleção Nacional de Biomédicos Imagenologistas. O processo seletivo foi composto por provas objetiva, prática e discursiva.

“I am very happy with the approval in the competition, it is certainly a great achievement”, describes Bruna Barros. The biomedic explains that, during training in Bahiana, received incentives and tools that helped it to achieve this result, which also required a lot of effort. “Absolutely, my journey in Bahiana and the support of teachers and colleagues during this period made a difference”, he concludes.

The results of the approval and classification in the tests were released on March 27, 2020, on the institution's website. The call will be announced in the Official Gazette, and vacancies are for Rio de Janeiro and Brasília.