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Inaugural class of the Stricto Sensu Graduate Programs


Inaugural class of the Graduate Programs Stricto Sensu discusses paradigms of science
Scientific event took place at Campus Cabula and featured lectures and discussion tables.

"Is there a difference between science and research?" The questioning was also the title of the conference given by prof. Dr. Luís Cláudio Correia and marked the beginning of the scientific program of the inaugural class of stricto sensu graduate courses at Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública 2020.1 which took place on the morning of February 14, in the auditorium of Campus Cabula. The opening of the event had the special participation of Coral Canta Bahiana and an opening table with the presence of the Dean of Research, Innovation and Graduate Studies Stricto Sensu, Atson Fernandes, the coordinators of the Master's and Doctoral programs in Medicine and Human Health, Ana Marice Ladeia, Master's in Health Technology , Marcos Antônio Almeida Matos and Professional Master's Degree in Psychology and Health Interventions, Mônica Daltro, in addition to the medical director of Bahiana Health and Professor of Medicine at Bahiana, Humberto Castro Lima Filho and also a professor at Bahiana and president of the association Bahiana of Medicine, Jorge Jambeiro.

The event was also attended by the People Development coordinator at Bahiana, Prof. Luiza Ribeiro, the coordinator of Administration and Finance, Emanoel Olímpio, the manager of the Strategic Management of People and Organizational Learning – GEPAP, Telma Bastos, and the manager of the Center for Development of Educational Technologies – CEDETE –, prof. Antonio Carlos Costa.

"Bahiana it is not just an institution of higher education. We are here to transform lives. We have numerous initiatives in the area of ​​science. So we don't just focus on quality teaching and research, but much more than that, we focus on people's scientific training," said Atson Fernandes. Professor Luís Cláudio Correia's lecture was followed by the speech of the IHAC associate professor and doctor in Saúde Coletiva Luís Augusto Vasconcelos da Silva who brought to the discussion the theme "Knowledge practice: hybrids, borders and permeabilities".

The program also featured a roundtable with speakers, coordinators of graduate programs and graduates of the Doctorate of Medicine and Human Health, Anderson Armstrong, Master's in Health Technologies, Maria Consuelo Nuñez Filha, also a professor gives Bahiana, and the student of the recently created Professional Master's Degree in Psychology and Health Interventions, Luiza Rodrigues.

"I felt included in the various speeches here today, mainly on the issue of the intersection of borders, as I am a lawyer. Since graduation I have been interested in themes that link psychology and law", reported Luiza Rodrigues, emphasizing that the gains with the post -graduation directly reflect on the labor market. "The fact of being able to mature better for the job market has also been very impactful, which requires this professional competence to be able to transgress knowledge linked to other areas. This interdisciplinary perspective of knowledge is something that delights me a lot, and I found it here in Bahiana".

The program ended with the launch of the book “Sicklily Anemia: associated comorbidities in childhood and adolescence”, organized by teachers Cristiane Sales, Cristiane Dias and Ana Marice Ladeia.
