
ParaPraia serves 82 bathers accompanied by 97 volunteers

The initiative had a tribute to Iemanjá, in reference to the festivities on February 2nd.


O ParaPraia do dia 1 de fevereiro atendeu a 82 banhistas por meio de acompanhamento feito por 97 voluntários. A inciativa gratuita aconteceu das 8h às 12h, na praia de Ondina (em frente ao Instituto IBR) e, além de apresentações musicais, contou com uma homenagem a Iemanjá, em referência às festividades do dia 2 de fevereiro. Banhistas, voluntários, professores e estudantes da Bahiana organized a basket made up of natural roses donated by the project participants themselves. The symbolic tributes were taken to the sea through a procession.

Bather Robson Regis dos Santos reported that he has already participated in the four consecutive days of the ParaPraia 2020 season and that, for 6 years, he has always been present: “The initiative is very good, as it gives encouragement to the disabled and people with reduced mobility. I feel valued and welcomed”. Fábio Messias Bernardo, who also participated in ParaPraia on the four consecutive days, pointed out that it is extremely pleasant to take a swim in the sea and that he intends to attend in the next days of the action.

Márcia Pereira Santos is a student of the 8th semester of the Physiotherapy course at Bahiana and is already participating for the third year as a volunteer in the project. The student highlighted the social role of ParaPraia: “Providing safe sea bathing for people with reduced mobility helps us to develop a sense of humanity and contributes to the socialization and well-being of bathers”.