
Journalss of Bahiana are indexed in DOAJ

Indexing in DOAJ is one of the criteria for indexing in Scientific Electronic Library Online - SciELO.


The year started really well for the Bahiana JournalsJournal of Evidence-based Healthcare (ISSN 2675-021X) - our journal of evidence-based medicine - and the International Journal of Health Education (ISSN 2594-7907) - our medical education journal - have just been indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals - DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), despite being young, newly created titles.

O DOAJ é um diretório online que indexa e fornece acesso a periódicos de qualidade com acesso aberto e revisados por pares. Ele funciona como um emblema de qualidade para revistas em acesso aberto, com uma cobertura more dedicated than traditional commercial indices (SCOPUS, Web of Science, etc.).

Indexing in the DOAJ is currently one of the criteria for indexing in the Scientific Electronic Library Online - SciELO, it represents international visibility and respect for journals, for the portal BAHIANA Journals and to your publishing house, the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública.