
Bahiana receives Equity in Leadership Award

The institution is among the four Brazilian companies with the highest number of women in leadership positions.


A Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública é, mais uma vez, reconhecida nacionalmente pela sua visão de vanguarda e pelos seus valores humanísticos e democráticos. A prova disso foi o Prêmio Equidade na Liderança, que destacou as quatro empresas com o maior número de mulheres líderes em todo o Brasil. A premiação foi concedida pela CKZ Diversidade em parceria com o instituto Great Place to Work, durante o 9º Fórum Mulheres em Destaque que aconteceu nos dias 27 e 28 de novembro, em São Paulo. Na ocasião, a instituição foi representada pela gestora da Gerência Estratégica de Pessoas e Aprendizagem Organizacional – GEPAP, Telma Bastos.



The award honors organizations that carry out good practices in gender diversity with the aim of achieving a balance among leaders, contemplating companies with more than 40% of women in top leadership positions. THE Bahiana hoje conta com 1359 colaboradores, dos quais 59% são mulheres.

To compete, organizations had to explain how they created opportunities and developed initiatives to spread gender diversity and increase the number of women leaders. Besides the Bahiana, que hoje tem 55% dos cargos de liderança ocupados por mulheres, também receberam a premiação a DHL, com 72% de cargos de liderança ocupados por mulheres, a Eurofarma, com 52%, e a SC Johnson, com 63%.


In her speech, Telma Bastos emphasized the profile of Bahiana as an institution that embraces diversity in its breadth, “since 2007 has been a citizen company for going beyond the legal quota of PCDs and apprentices, which granted awards in 2018 and 1st place in the Human Being Award ABRH-Ba, with the UniDiversity work, we are all One! We describe, in this work, how the Bahiana built and consolidated a culture of inclusion. It is top grade at the MEC and has one of the 3 cheapest medical courses in the country, which confirms that education and health with fair prices and quality education is something possible in a scenario divided by inequality”. 

Telma explains that the high number of women in leadership positions at the institution is not due to a specific policy, but to a specific culture of valuing the most sensitive and unifying management profile: “We are on the right path, because we know that the great potential of an organization that wants to transform the world is one that knows it needs to transform itself first. This awareness of transformation is greatly enhanced, and the more diverse this environment – ​​not only in terms of gender but also in terms of race, creeds –, the richer and more conducive to fertilization it is. And that makes companies become great”.