
ParaPraia 2020: registration for monitors and volunteers

Check the Application Notice and be part of this team!


The project To beach It has been held in Salvador since 2014 and aims to provide people with reduced mobility the constitutional right and citizenship to come and go, including during leisure time. The project comes from a public-private partnership between the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública (EBMSP), the Secretariat of the Sustainable City of Salvador and private institutions. The EBMSP Physiotherapy course is responsible for selecting, training and organizing the team of volunteers who participate in assisted bathing, while the Municipal Secretariat provides an accessible infrastructure on a city beach, through the provision of amphibious chairs (special wheelchair with wheels, wide and large, which adhere to the sand of the beach and float in the sea water), access lanes, sports equipment, support equipment, tents, spaces for recreation and umbrellas, in addition to chairs for companions. 

Check out Registration Notice and be part of this team!

Registration period: from 21/11 to 12/12/19, until 23:59.
In 2020, ParaPraia takes place on the 4th, 11th, 18th, 25/01, on the 1st, 8th, 15th and 29th of February and 02st of March 1.