
Distance Learning Center of Bahiana - NEAD promotes seminar on Career in Health Informatics

The event will take place on December 9th.


The Distance Learning Center of Bahiana – NEAD promoverá o Seminário “Carreira em Informática em Saúde: perspectivas e oportunidades” no dia 9 de dezembro, às 18h, no Campus Brotas da Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública. The event, aimed at students and professionals from the internal and external community, is free and aims to publicize the possibilities of action in the area of ​​health informatics, in addition to presenting the professional training opportunities offered by Bahiana.

The seminar will address topics such as: "The performance of health informants in primary care services", "Opportunities for the insertion of health informatics professionals in telemedicine", "Health management: a field of action of health informatics" and “Opportunity for training in Health Informatics”. The speakers, Dr. Marta Menezes (Bahiana), Dr. Gustavo Bacelar (Bahiana) and Dr. Renato Sabbatini (Bahiana / Instituto EDUMED) will mediate the discussions. Interested parties can apply through the Registration Center. 100 vacancies will be made available.