
Course promotes the culture of Palliative Care at Hospital Jorge Valente

The initiative is the result of a partnership between the Bahiana and the health unit.


Promote the culture of palliative care among healthcare professionals at Hospital Jorge Valente. This is the objective of a partnership between the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública and the hospital unit, whose action was to carry out training for doctors, nurses, social workers and nursing technicians at the hospital.

The course was held at first, in the second week of October, and attended two groups of doctors, nurses and social workers, in two meetings, totaling 8 hours of training. On October 21 and 23, nursing technicians were also trained in a 4-hour load. The same training will be held on October 28th and 30th. All meetings are taking place on the hospital premises and aim to reach a total of 160 people attended.

The programming, which had as facilitators the teacher of Bahiana and physician Dr. Franklin Santana and physician Dr. Karoline Apolônia, addressed the themes “Hospital philosophy or Palliative Care”; “Symptom control”; “Communication of bad news”; “Total pain” and “Bioethics and Spirituality”.

According to Professor Franklin, the decision to take the course is based on the World Palliative Care Day, celebrated on October 12th, and which, this year, brought the theme "My care, my rights". The chosen theme aims to draw attention to the right that all people with a serious illness have: which is to receive adequate Palliative Care care within the public health policy, and which addresses the need to prioritize the funding of palliative care in Universal Health Coverage.

He also explains that the objective of the course is to favor the understanding by the professionals who work in this hospital, by the principles of the Hospice philosophy or Palliative Care. "Knowing when to indicate, how to give bad news, how to better control a symptom in these patients, the bioethical implications, understanding how palliative care needs a multiprofessional team to assess the multiple dimensions of suffering, which we call total pain, and to create a culture of palliative care within a hospital unit, standardizing the knowledge and concepts of palliative care so that the same language is spoken within the hospital and so that everyone understands what this care is and its indications".