
Tents in the green area were part of the programming of the XIX MCC of the Bahiana

Spaces had conversation circles, debates and integrative health practices.


Throughout the second day, music, handicrafts, gastronomy and even a small produce fair made the difference for the XIX Scientific and Cultural Exhibition of Bahiana, composing the traditional Cultural Tent. The activities were coordinated by the manager and Institutional Relationship analyst, Fabiana Perin and Júlia Macêdo, and by the coordinator of People Development, Luiza Ribeiro. The program had some attractions, such as the PRATOCAR group, from employees of the Bahiana, the band of PET Odonto students, participation of guests and those who wanted to present their talents.

Tent of Integrative Practices in Health
Aromatherapy, massage therapy, foot reflexology and reiki practices were made available to the public at the 19th Scientific Exhibition of Bahiana, on October 9, through the Tent of Integrative Practices in Health. “The objective of this tent was to provide relaxation through the senses, such as smell, hearing and touch”, reports Psychology student Paula Santiago, from the 6th semester , who acted as monitor of the initiative. Under the coordination of Professor Renata Roseghini, in addition to the aforementioned practices, biomagnetic therapy techniques and auricular acupuncture comprised the day's activities, from 10:30 am to 16:30 pm.

Popular Health Education Tent
The Popular Health Education Tent featured conversation circles on collective health and other topics, from 10 am to 16 pm. “The creation of the tent, which was also named after Paulo Freire, aimed to debate with the community about Popular Education in Health from an inclusive perspective, so that people felt participants and could share the community's problems relating them to health collective. Integrative practices and work with medicinal plants, as well as ancestral wisdom, were the main motivating themes for this space to take place”. Highlights the guest professor Emmanuel Fernandes Falcão (UFPB).

The conversation circles were divided into two themes: "What is Popular Education in Health?" and “EPS (Popular Health Education) in health training”. In addition to these wheels, there were also collective care practices. The tent was coordinated by teachers Arlene Alves and Lavínia Boaventura.

Play Tent – ​​Playful activities
One of the tents this year was coordinated by the Psychology professors Isabella Queiroz and Carla Sampaio to carry out playful activities. The purpose of the proposal, according to Sampaio, is to rescue the playful culture, through playing between parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren. Those who arrived in space could interact with games, such as hopscotch, jumping elastic and rope, among others.

Isabella Queiroz adds that the idea was to raise awareness about lullabies: "The objective is to rescue a little of this act, which is to put the baby, from the first moment, in contact with language, which also involves the body, the exchange of affection and looks, permeated by culture". 


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Also check out:
MCC Day 1 Photo Gallery
MCC Day 2 Photo Gallery
XIX Forum of Researchers Photo Gallery Bahiana