
Videoconferences give nationwide coverage to the 22nd edition of Ciência com Acarajé

Meeting brought together students and professors from different institutions.


"A Parasitologia: Destino Previsto" – esse foi o tema da 22ª edição do Ciência com Acarajé, que aconteceu no dia 26 de setembro de 2019, no Campus Cabula, e reuniu professores e estudantes do curso de Biomedicina e de outras graduações, além de acadêmicos de outras instituições.

Organized by students from the Tutorial Education Program of the Biomedicine course, Ciência com Acarajé aims to provide the academic public, teachers, employees, high school students and the local community with more information about the situation of science in Bahia and what's more. current in research in Brazil and worldwide, providing lectures with researchers and scholars on various scientific topics of great relevance in human health, environment and other areas of knowledge.

Participating in this edition, via videoconference, were professors David Pereira Neves, Thelma de Filippis (FASEH/MG), Welton Yudi Oda (UFAM/AM) and Artur Dias Lima (BAHIANA and UNEB/BA); the latter, in person and coordinating the work. All speakers sign the co-author of the 4th edition of the book “Basic Parasitology”.

Prof. Thelma began her presentation addressing the theme “Teaching of parasitology”, with emphasis on experiences in active methodologies versus traditional teaching. Prof. David Pereira Neves, with all his experience in teaching parasitology, explained parasitology under the social and philosophical scope. Among other topics, it addressed the importance of citizenship and the union between people and professionals, so that scientific advances and mechanisms for controlling parasitic diseases can happen more effectively. The two teachers broadcast their speeches directly from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais.

Directly from Manaus, prof. Welton spoke about the “History of Parasitology”, approaching knowledge, from antiquity to the present, citing important contributions from imminent Brazilian parasitologists. Prof. Artur presented his conference divided into two parts: in the first, he exhibited "Parasitology in numbers", telling about the number of cases and mortality from parasitic diseases, in Brazil and the Americas, as well as populations at imminent risk of acquiring diseases, such as malaria, Chagas disease, leishmaniasis and helminthiasis; in the other part, he pondered the “advances and curiosities of parasitology”, in the fields of biotechnology, teaching, research, diagnosis, vaccines, arts and contemporaneity. Finally, the audience actively participated in the discussion, in a large round of conversation, which made it clear how parasitology continues to be a living, contemporary and challenging science.
"Science with Acarajé has been growing with each edition, and we are always trying to innovate. As Professor Artur participated in this book on parasitology, we saw the possibility of holding this lecture combining Bahia, Amazonas and Minas Gerais. In addition to this joint lecture, today we innovate with the selection process for new petians. This time, we included candidates who are in the selection process, so that they could participate in the organization of the event, experiencing a little of the daily life of a petian", explained the professor and tutor of PET Biomedicine , Sidney Santana.

For Marina Habib, a 5th semester student of the Biomedicine course, and a member of PET for a year, organizing the event requires a lot of effort, but provides good learning: "We see which theme is in evidence at the moment. , we establish contact with researchers so that they can present lectures in the best way possible".

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