
Bahiana hosts XIII Graduate Meeting in the Areas of Medicine I, II and III of CAPES

Congress discussed changes in the CAPES evaluation system.


Deans, deans, coordinators of graduate courses, professors and researchers in the field of medicine from all over Brazil were gathered to discuss changes in the evaluation system of graduate courses at the XIII Meeting of Graduate Studies in the Areas of Medicine I, II and III of CAPES, whose opening took place on the night of September 18, in the auditorium of the Campus Cabula da Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública. The ceremony began with a presentation by the camerata of the Bahia Symphonic Orchestra (OSBA).

The opening table was formed by the Dean of Research, Innovation and Postgraduate Studies Stricto Sensu of Bahiana, prof. Atson Fernandes, by the CAPES evaluation director, Sônia Báo, by the coordinator of the Master's and Doctoral Program in Medicine and Human Health and president of the Meeting, prof. Ana Marice Ladeia, and by the coordinator of the Master's in Health Technologies, prof. Marcos Almeida, in addition to the director of the Foundation for Research Support of the State of Bahia (Fapesb), prof. Márcio Gilberto, the coordinator of Medicine I at CAPES, Luís Felipe Ribeiro Pinto, and the adjunct professor at Bahiana and researcher at FIOCRUZ, Bernardo Galvão.

"It really is a great pleasure for the Bahiana host this national meeting. It is a meeting that we held through a partnership with all the graduate programs in Bahia who work with us, with the institutional support of the assistant coordinator of Medicine I, Luís Felipe, and other coordinators. Our meeting was prepared so that we could continue here the same discussions that we had in Brasília. Our purpose was to take attitudes and proposals from here, so that we can do an even better postgraduate course in Brazil", pointed out professor Marice Ladeia.

A brief presentation of the Bahiana and of its graduate programs was carried out by prof. Atson Fernandes, followed by the keynote lecture, “The National Postgraduate System: Current Affairs and Perspectives”, given by the CAPES Evaluation Director, Sônia Báo. In the presentation, the professor gave an overview of the national postgraduate scenario, addressing several issues, including the impact of scientific production, collaboration with industry and improvement of the assessment system, in addition to proposing reflections.

Sônia Báo also presented comparative charts between Brazil and other countries. "Brazil needs to invest more in science and technology and in training qualified human resources. We need to think about the criteria that reflect the academic excellence of the programs and how to align them with the Science, Technology and Innovation policies and development," he said.

"We are at a time when it is necessary to debate and point out the paths and remain more united than ever, mainly by supporting the processes of change in assessment, which will further improve the training of our students. It is very important to highlight the role of Bahiana in organizing this event in this context of so much difficulty", declared Luís Felipe Ribeiro Pinto.
The event's program continued until September 20th with conferences and presentations of academic papers. The activities were closed with the delivery of prizes for the best works.

1st Place – Graduate of the Biomedicine course at Bahiana
Program name: Postgraduate Degree in Human Pathology (Doctorate)
Student name: Jaqueline Goes de Jesus
Title of work: Real-time Genomic Surveillance of Emerging and Re-emerging Arboviruses
Institution: UFBA/FIOCRUZ

Program name: Postgraduate Program in Biotechnology in Medicine and Investigative Health (Doctorate)
Student's name: Afranio Ferreira Evangelista
Title of work: Mechanisms involved in the therapeutic effect of bone marrow mesenchymal cells in an experimental model of diabetic sensory neuropathy
Institution: FIOCROSS
Category: Master's degree

Program name: Postgraduate in Pathology – PGPAT (UFBA/FIOCRUZ) (Masters)
Student's name: Breno Cardim Barreto
Defense date: 19/07/2019
Title of Work: Characterization of Myocardial Connexin 43 Expression in Chronic Chagas Disease

Program name: Medicine and Human Health of Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública (Master's)
Student's name: André Luiz Lisbon Cordeiro
Title of work: Inspiratory Muscle Training and Functional Capacity in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery

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