
First Aid Component promotes a course aimed at self-care and accident prevention

Classes are aimed at the Rio dos Macacos quilombola community.


A social action to promote information about health. This is the purpose of the First Aid Course prepared by Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública for the Rio dos Macacos quilombola community. The course, which takes place on September 14th and 28th and October 19th, in Simões Filho, is aimed at this population and aims to promote self-care, accident prevention and first aid practices.

The students of Bahiana, who are monitors of the curricular component of first aid, will participate in the course as helpers, with the aim of experiencing an experience that aims to sensitize them as future health professionals and understand how work works in a community.

The course is coordinated by Professor of Public Health Silvio Roberto Mediana and Professor of Biomedicine Gabriel Andrade Nonato. The modules of the classes will be: Vital signs; Clinical emergencies; Foreign body obstruction of airways; Cardiorespiratory resuscitation; Band Aid; Burn; Bleeding; Intoxication and Poisoning.