
FIES Amendment 2019.2

Check here for updated guidelines, validation period and deadlines.


Bahiana traz para a comunidade acadêmica informações sobre o aditamento FIES 2019.2.

1. O aditamento será realizado por campus;
2. Check if the semester is with the correct value, as well as other information;
3. Se o aditamento for NÃO Simplificado e o prazo para dirigir-se ao Banco for antes da data do atendimento presencial, deve manter contato com o Serviço Social (71 3276-8273) a fim de informar nome, CPF e dia que irá pegar o documento;
4. Se o sistema não permitir avançar pode ser em decorrência da falta de pagamento dos juros. Portanto, O estudante deve estar em dia com a parcela de juros trimestral a fim de que seu aditamento seja concluído;
5. If the validation period in the system has expired and your contract has the status "not initiated by the CPSA", you must contact the Social Service to inform: name, course and CPF;
6. The in-person addendum must be carried out by the student or by means of a power of attorney with notarized signature and the attorney's identity document;
7. The amendment must be validated within the period informed below and will be requested in alphabetical order. Therefore, if at the beginning of the validation period you do not receive the SMS in order to validate it, wait until the end of the period, the system must release the confirmation of the names that start with the final letters of the alphabet;
8. Qualquer problema de ordem operacional do sistema, na realização da validação do aditamento, deve manter contato com o FNDE (0800-616161);
9. Acessar para validar o aditamento:

Validation period in the system: August 22 to 25, 2019.
In-person Amendment (Library): September 05, 2019 (Thursday).
Time: 8h to 14h

Validation period in the system: August 28 to September 01, 2019.
In-person Addendum (Social Service - Campus Brotas): September 10 to 17, 2019.
Time: 8h to 16h