
student of Bahiana wins second place in anatomy olympics

Marllus Roberto Cunha is a medical student at the institution.


Celebrating student success has become routine in Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública. Dessa vez, foi o estudante de Medicina Marllus Roberto Cunha que conquistou o segundo lugar na 4ª Olimpíada de Anatomia da Elsevier, no dia 11 de julho, em São Paulo. A competição anual tem o objetivo de estimular o aprendizado da anatomia humana e promover uma integração entre estudantes de saúde de todo o Brasil.

Marllus Roberto Cunha was the only finalist from Bahia in the fourth edition of the Olympiad, which has a partnership with the Sociedade Brasileira de Anatomia. The competition started in February this year and consisted of five online stages, with 25 questions in each stage.

According to Elsevier, an analytical information organization whose purpose is to help professionals and institutions improve their knowledge of science, the Anatomy Olympiad intends to put into practice the learning acquired at the university.