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VII Meeting of Interprofessional Practices in Health of the Candeal Program


Bahiana promotes the VII Meeting of Interprofessional Practices in Health of the Candeal Program

Event was attended by children's and youth orchestra NEOJIBA

On June 8th, the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública held the VII Meeting of Interprofessional Practices in Health of the Candeal Program. The event is an activity held at the end of each academic semester with students and professors from the curricular component “Interprofessional Practice in Health” and the Redes Candeal extension project. The initiative aims to socialize the experiences lived throughout the semester, enabling reflection on the possibilities, challenges and perspectives of production and intervention in health in interprofessional training.

The seventh edition of the meeting was attended by representatives of the following health and quality of life groups: Isa Coutinho, coordinator of the Virgen D'Almudeña Municipal Children's Education Center; Maria das Graças Machado, representative of the HTLVida Association; Amanda Müller, coordinator of the State Centers for Youth and Children's Orchestras of Bahia (NEOJIBA).

Professor Maria Antonieta Araújo, coordinator of the Institutional Academic Relationship (REAII) at Bahiana, spoke about the importance of the experience of teaching-service-community integration for interprofessional, interdisciplinary and humanistic training.

The artistic presentation was done by NEOJIBA, under the direction of Amanda Müller. The show had interaction dynamics with the audience and a mini concert. Students and teachers had the opportunity to play, experimentally, some of the instruments, accompanied by the members.