
Bahiana receives international certification of suitability

DUNS NUMBER enables the provision of services and fundraising in international research funding agencies.


A Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública acaba de receber o certificado de qualificação DUNS NUMBER – Data Universal Numbering System ou Sistema Universal de Numeração de Dados – consultoria especializada no fornecimento de informações de crédito, bases de dados de marketing, avaliações financeiras e informações para a análise de compras. A certificação atesta a idoneidade da instituição e aumenta a visibilidade e a agilidade em negociações com fornecedores e clientes nacionais e internacionais.

Thousands of companies around the world consult this database on a daily basis, which is considered to be a very important tool for building secure relationships and for making decisions during negotiations. In this way, the DUNS NUMBER certification represents the inclusion of Bahiana in a global database that gathers more than 150 million companies in more than 220 countries.

"From this accreditation, we are not only able to carry out purchases and imports, but also qualified to raise funds via the US Development Agency. In times of scarcity of funding via national research funding agencies, the DUNS Number is already a way of preparing ourselves to invest in international fundraising for the development of science in our institution", explains Stricto Sensu's Dean of Research, Innovation and Graduate Studies Bahiana, professor Atson Fernandes.