
SAEME represents Brazil at the WFME World Conference in Seoul

Meeting highlighted the importance of credit agencies in ensuring the quality of medical education in the world.


The Medical Schools Accreditation System (SAEME), the same one that accredited the Medicine course at Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, received international certification from the World Federation For Medical Education (WFME), an international organization whose objective is to promote the improvement of the quality of medical education in the world.

In April, in the city of Seoul, South Korea, the WFME World Conference was held, with the participation of about a thousand people, and Brazil was represented by SAEME, in the people of professors Milton Arruda Martins, general coordinator, and Patricia Tempski, executive secretary of the agency. Also at the event were the vice president of the Federal Council of Medicine, Mauro Brito Ribeiro, and councilor Jeancarlo Cavalcante. The meeting was focused on ensuring the quality of medical education in the 21st century.

The conference program included discussions on the accreditation of Medicine courses in each country and the international recognition of accrediting agencies. The main theme of the event was that accreditation will be the most important aspect for ensuring the quality of medical education in the next decade. Another point discussed was about the necessary balance between international requirements and the priority of training doctors for the needs of each country. The next WFME congress, in 2022, will have as its theme the approval of the new guidelines for medical training of the WFME/WHO, to be elaborated in the coming years.

Leia mais: Acreditação do curso de Medicina da Bahiana reaches international level