
Bahiana receives students from Colégio Nossa Senhora da Conceição for the Young Helpers program

The second edition of the initiative had the participation of 44 high school students.


A Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública recebeu 44 estudantes do Colégio Nossa Senhora da Conceição, durante a manhã do dia 11 de maio, sábado, no Campus Cabula, para a segunda edição do programa Jovens Socorristas. A atividade permite que os alunos do Ensino Médio tenham aulas teóricas e práticas de primeiros socorros relacionadas a quatro circuitos básicos: Vias Aéreas e Corpos Estranhos, Caixa Torácica, Coração e Reanimação Cardiopulmonar – RCP, Sistema Esquelético e Mobilizações e Sistema Tegumentar e Queimaduras.

The action, which is promoted by the Institutional Relationship Center – RELACI, was responsible for the monitoring groups by the seventh semester student of the Medicine course, Rafael Lélis. The monitors of the Morphofunctional Sciences and First Aid groups made presentations about the functioning of the human body to the students who were divided into four teams. Each circuit was explained for 40 minutes.



Ana Carolina Almeida, second semester student of Medicine and monitor of the Morphofunctional Sciences Group – GCM, participated in the demonstrations of the Skeletal System and Mobilizations and congratulated the program: “Teaching high school youth and realizing their excitement is very gratifying, after all, passing on knowledge is also a way to learn more”. The student reveals how much she approves of occasions like this, because, when she was still in high school, she participated in the Bahiana for a day, an initiative also organized by RELATI. “Today I can collaborate through another perspective”, complements the academic. The student Larissa da Cunha, 15, highlights the relevance of the experience: “I learned a lot thanks to the illustrative resources that are totally different from those used in the classroom. The action was amazing!”.

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