
Bahiana hosts the launch of the "Technical Dictionary: Medical Equipment and Technologies applied to Health"

Event is the result of a partnership with the Federal Institute of Bahia.


A Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública will host the launch of the "Technical Dictionary: Medical Equipment and Technologies applied to Health", organized by professors Cláudio Reynaldo Barbosa de Souza and Andrea Borges de Souza, with support from the Federal Institute of Bahia (IFBA). The event will take place on May 17th, at 16:30 pm, in room 206 of the Campus Brotas.

The event's program counts with the presence of the dean of Bahiana, Dr. Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani, who will make the opening, along with Dr. Renato da Anunciação Filho, rector of the IFBA, Dr. Atson Fernandes, pro-rector of Research, Innovation and Postgraduate Studies Stricto Sensu of Bahiana and Dr. Vanessa Mendes Santos, Dean of Research, Graduate Studies and Innovation at the IFBA.

The work will be presented by professors Marcos Almeida, Claudio Reynaldo Souza and Andrea Borges de Souza. The meeting is aimed at students and health professionals, and the theme of the book launched is essential to add technical-scientific knowledge to the health field.