
Bahiana promotes the sixth edition of the Poetry Circuit

Event featured presentations that moved the audience


Simple words that touched everyone's heart and conscience. That was the VI Poetry Circuit of the Bahiana, which took place on the 2nd and 9th of April, in the Campi Brotas and Cabula da Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública. The event, organized by the Núcleo de Attention Psicopedagógica (NAPP), was attended by professors, collaborators and students from undergraduate courses.

Angelica Mendes, manager of the NAPP, reported on the importance of this meeting. “It's an open space for those who want to recite their poetry or those of other authors and also exhibit musical works. This circuit has the objective of promoting spaces of knowledge, diversity and integration with a focus on health promotion”.

The event had the clothesline of poetry by students from Bahiana, a mural with poetry by Conceição Evaristo and the presence of guests, such as Grupo Sem Limites and Formation Dance, both from Rede de Protagonistas em Ação de Itapagipe (REPROTAI).

Student Thamara Nascimento, from the second semester of Nursing, one of those who declaimed her poetry and moved the audience, shared how it felt to participate in the Poetry Circuit and publicize her work: “It was extremely enriching to be able to arrive and recite a poem that was hurting my heart so much, given the situation that had gone on. I needed to express that. When I finished reciting the poetry, I was hugged by coordinators and supervisors of the Bahiana and I felt very welcomed at that moment”, she reported. According to her, “it's very difficult to make an impact on people through writing and, by connecting with their hugs, it was very enriching. I thank Arlene, Psychology professor, who gave me a lot of strength so I could recite my poetry and face my fear of expressing myself in public”.

Check out the poetry recited by Thamara Nascimento below:

the wound that undresses me

the wound that undresses me
it's the same one that warms you
in these verses that have so much lace,
tie a knot,
in the throat,
smudges the stain
or paint my pain,
My color...

80 shots
80 bullets hitting a car called "suspect"
80 shots inflicting black bodies
80 words spoken in a single summary of this story: "PREJUDICE"

I suffer
I didn't want to make this pain a martyrdom
I don't know,
How many black bodies do you re(exist) about?

I do not accept!
Being tagged as target shooting for having black skin tone
any justification for saying that robbers have a caricature of black people

Another shot in my chest, from a friend who confuses his colleague's jokes about our color with respect
I lie down and get up like just a broken body

We are told we are the threat, but who really has the guns?
Carry the mask on your face and anger in your soul (if you have it right now!)
The pain of being black you'll never understand
It's barely born and a weapon is already cocked ready for death to bring

I die before I was born, because many of my people left just because they belong to an emphasized melanin
Many of mine are gone by machine guns

They shoot my pain every day: by Marielle, Cláudia, Amarildo and now Evaldo
Black pains matter, it's no use keeping your eyes blindfolded

I still scream to find my way out, in the midst of so many stray bullets, which always find the skin of a black man,
of a curly,
of a business of the guetto, only do not find their grotesque prejudice

My pain is in every stretched body,
In every silenced scream,
In each unfinished poem, because the curfew is actually the world wanting to demolish a black man who only wants to grow

Check out the photo gallery.