
Vitória judo team/Bahiana opens sports calendar with awards

Athletes competed in Lauro de Freitas.


The Judo team Esporte Clube Vitória/Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública started the calendar of the Bahia Federation of Judo with a golden key. The rubro-negro athletes participated in the Copa Bahia de Judo and the Bahia Student Championship 2019, events that took place on February 16 and 17, in Lauro de Freitas, and were awarded medals in several categories.

The awarded judokas were:

Category Under 15
- 36 (Medium-Light): Ricardo Góes

Category Under 18
- 60 (Medium-Light): Rafael Ribeiro (classified for Bahia Judo Team)

Category Under 21
- 60 (Slight): Pedro Azevedo
+78 (Heavy): Ana Damasceno