
Specialization course has inaugural class with psychiatrist Antônio Nery Filho

Lecture started the academic semester of the Mental Health to Primary Care course.


"The relationship between Mental Health and Primary Care", theme of the inaugural class of the Specialization Course in Mental Health in Primary Care, held by prof. doctor Antônio Nery Filho, on January 25th, at Campus Brotas, was the starting point for an afternoon of reflection that brought together academics, professors and collaborators of the institution. Over a little over two hours, the psychiatrist allegorically explained his reflection on human suffering and how professionals linked to care have been going through an ethical crisis and increasingly distancing themselves from those who suffer.

"Medicine has been heading towards a resounding failure because it no longer knows how to recognize the suffering of the other". He pointed out the need to rethink the training of health professionals in order to understand the patient in an integrated way: "We are training people to take care of a body without worrying about what that person feels and, on the other hand, we are also training others people to care for the soul, without involving care for the body – receptacle of the soul. Soul, in the sense of an individual who feels, thinks, suffers etc."

According to the psychiatrist, we experience an ethical crisis: "In medicine and psychology, I think we have reached this situation of great disparity between people who suffer and who seek comfort in technical assistance and technicians (professionals), because we forget that we care We need to realize that we have failed from an ethical point of view, since we need to think ethically about our relationships, our constructions, the agreements we made so that we humans can live in the best possible environment, since we will always live in difference."

On this loss of empathy in the relationship between the person who suffers and their caregiver, Nery outlines some perspectives: "The way out is to return to technical agreements, to recognize the human in its fragility, to recognize the suffering. It is to make doctors, psychologists, social workers and lawyers get rid of that place of superpowers, gods, people who hold the supreme knowledge and who are no longer mortals. It's going back to thinking that we are all the same, with more, with less. We fail because we have lost our ethical foundations and to get out, we need to return to our ethical foundations."

According to Maria Antonieta Araújo, coordinator of the course, the theme chosen for the inaugural class meets the main objective of the course: "Our course focuses precisely on this interface, which is the individual who is suffering and is between mental health and primary care with biomedical care. The interface between these two points, mental health and primary care, is exactly what Professor Nery put it, the suffering of the individual who seeks this care".
She says that the course originated from a work developed by the Bahiana in primary care: "For nine years, I was in charge of the Candeal program, providing care to users in that community and I saw the difficulty of welcoming and monitoring the psychological suffering that came to that location.", According to Antonieta, these users could be treated at that unit. , without the need to be referred to specialized health units. "Right there, if the professionals were qualified to care, this would be done".

For the course's teacher, Alssivânia Mota, Professor Nery's lecture consolidates what has already been a reason for reflection within the course: "I think that his meeting with the course is exactly what we think, this interface beyond this technical training . But considering this human, philosophical dimension that we behave as subjects, why do we get sick? Why do people get sick? Will I get sick? I think this is the proposal of the post and to which I have contributed from the beginning: yeah to think about this training for the use of reflexive propositions of how we can better intervene on human beings like us, who also suffer in different measures. So this training aims to associate the use of techniques with this philosophical dimension of understanding the subject in this social space of the 'here and now' which is highly sickening".