
Playful programming marks Biomedical Day at Campus Cabula

Dance, games and academic practices were among the activities carried out.


Lecture, educational games, music, dance, sports... It was with a diversified program that the Biomedicine course at Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública celebrou o Dia do Biomédico, na ultima terça-feira, 20 de novembro, no Campus Cabula.

On the occasion, the president of the Academic and Athletic Directory of Biomedicine, João Filho, declared: "We already have several events promoted by the institution itself, which have a more academic and scientific nature. We have a slogan: 'From students to students 'So, on Biomédico's birthday, we, from the academic directory, together with the leagues, Atlética and the students, thought of creating an event that would promote a playful moment, like an anniversary."
The professor of the Biomedicine course Lúcio Macedo Barbosa explains that the program was also intended to unite students: "It is a way to integrate the course more. There has always been the false impression that Biomedicine students are more dispersed, far away. So the idea of ​​those involved in the organization was to unite so that the course could grow and develop more, because, with everyone united, we have a greater progression".


In the morning shift, a lecture was given on studies about the HTLV virus, developed by professors Gabriel Andrade Nonato Queiroz and Luciane Amorim Santos, with the participation of academics from the course. The Leagues Arcade was also held, with didactic games within the subjects researched by each group.


After the musical lunch, the entertainment program was held, with a fitdance class, self-defense class, indoor soccer and volleyball.

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