
ParaPraia 2019: registration for monitors and volunteers

Check the Application Notice and be part of this team!


O projeto ParaPraia ocorre em Salvador desde 2014 e visa possibilitar às pessoas com mobilidade reduzida o direito constitucional e à cidadania de ir e vir, inclusive no lazer. O projeto é proveniente de uma parceria público-privada entre a Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública (EBMSP), the Secretariat of the Sustainable City of Salvador and private institutions. The Physiotherapy course at Bahiana is responsible for the selection, training and organization of the team of volunteers who participate in assisted bathing, while the Municipal Secretariat provides an accessible infrastructure on a city beach, through the provision of amphibious chairs (special chair with wheels, wide and large, that adhere to the beach sand and float in the sea water), access lanes, sports equipment, support equipment, tents, spaces for recreation and umbrellas, in addition to chairs for companions.

In 2019, ParaPraia takes place on January 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th and on February 01, 9th, 16rd and 23th.
Check the Application Notice and be part of this team!