
Bahiana holds a free course for pregnant women and their families

Course promotes knowledge on topics related to pregnancy, childbirth, puerperium and breastfeeding.


A Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública will promote a course for pregnant women and their families. The course will feature lectures and interactive activities on topics related to healthy pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, breastfeeding, newborn care and bonding with the baby. 30 vacancies will be made available. Registration and information through telephones (71) 3276-8226 and (71) 3276-8277. For those interested in making a registration of interest, click here.

The purpose of the course is to expand the field of care, by promoting a space for interaction between the academy and the community and offering specific information for pregnant women and their families. Through this action, the Bahiana it also aims to insert medical students in the context of collective health, from a perspective of focus on preventive health and the population's needs.