
Diversity and culture mark this year's August of the Arts

Event featured different artistic manifestations.


A month dedicated to art, photography, music, gastronomy and handicraft... This is what August is like in Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública. Through the project Agosto das Artes, conceived by the Psychopedagogical Care Center (NAPP), students, teachers, employees and partners of Bahiana expose their artistic talents in the institution's environments. This year's edition took place on the 21st, 23rd and 28th, on Campi Brotas and Kabula.

Angélica Mendes, manager of the NAPP, tells how the event was created and how this project promotes the appreciation of different artistic languages: “August das Artes was created by the NAPP in 2012. It is a project whose ideal is to create a space for expression and integration among professors, students and collaborators. This is an open space, where we bring exhibitors from the house, members of the Bahiana, who do some art or gastronomy work to exhibit and sell and also to share their talents, whether music, dance or any other artistic expression. We also invite people from outside the institution to participate”.

 The presence of students and teachers from the Bahiana in Agosto das Artes had a lot of growth over the years. “This year, we had more participation from teachers and students, presenting their arts and skills. This has been a growing movement. In the beginning, we ran a lot behind the students for them to participate and introduce themselves. Today, we already have a movement of students and teachers themselves wanting to bring their work. This is very interesting and makes us very happy, as this is the objective of Agosto das Artes: for people to use this space to present their talents and, above all, for them to come and have fun”, emphasizes Angélica Mendes.
The event proposed a collaborative space. During the days of its realization, there was a stage on which people could exhibit their music and art. André Gomes, collaborator at Bahiana, told how was the experience of performing with his Hip Hop group at Agosto das Artes: “I feel privileged to be showing this work to people who haven't had contact yet. I hope I can inspire all of them, as the name of our group 'Street Inspiration' says. Our goal is to show the public a different and diversified art”.

Gustavo Siquara, professor of Psychology, says how important it is for the educational institution to make an artistic environment viable. "The experience that the Bahiana provides to bring art to the academy is very valid, because you unite different forms of expression and culture in the same space. This union of the academic and artistic aspects enables a series of new knowledge and new gains, both for the professional area and for the personal and emotional spheres”.

Medical student and lecturer Vanessa Ramos de Oliveira declared that a moment dedicated to culture brings benefits to the university. “Through NAPP, I got to know Agosto das Artes. They always encouraged me to participate, because I really like cultural activities. I've participated singing and playing. Last year, I started producing handmade notebooks, so they proposed that I exhibit my work here. I got excited by the idea and here I am. It is a form of therapy and helps relieve everyday stress”.

Several students went to Agosto das Artes to honor the event. Luísa Rodrigues, a Psychology student, declared about the importance of exhibiting art at the University: “It is interesting to think about art and health, mainly, from the perspective of mental health. These opportunities allow us to express our subjectivity. Seeing students, both watching and participating, is a way of occupying and strengthening this space, which is so important, as routine often prevents us from doing this”.

Check out the photos