
Bahiana launches innovative service serviced by SUS

Know the PEACE? Anti Tinnitus Project


Imagine conviver com o som de um apito, um chiado de cigarra ou um grilo o tempo inteiro no ouvido. Como diria o ditado: durma com um barulho desses! É exatamente assim que muitas pessoas vivem. Porém, graças ao esforço e ao estudo intenso de alguns médicos de diversas áreas, especialmente otorrinolaringologistas, este sofrimento pode ter fim. A cura para o famoso zumbido acaba de ganhar um forte aliado em Salvador. Trata-se do PAZ – Projeto Anti Zumbido que disponibiliza um serviço de saúde de caráter multiprofissional e cujo atendimento se dá exclusivamente pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Como a própria sigla diz, a iniciativa deseja proporcionar a tão sonhada paz aos pacientes que procuram o PAZ cujo atendimento é realizado no Ambulatório Docente-Assistencial da Bahiana (ADAB), in Brotas (Av. Dom João VI, n.275).


PAZ is an initiative of Drª. Clarice Saba, otolaryngologist, professor at Bahiana and also project coordinator. According to her, the service is multidisciplinary (involves doctors from different specialties, physiotherapists, dentists and even nutritionists), "since tinnitus has several causes, such as partial hearing loss, anatomical issues related to the face, posture, changes in triglyceride levels, pre-diabetes, high consumption of caffeine, sugars, among other factors”, he explains.

According to data released by the Support Group for People with Tinnitus – GAPZ, more than 28 million Brazilians suffer from tinnitus, "however, tinnitus is not a disease, but a symptom", explains Dr. Clarice, stating that, in large part, part of the cases, there is the cure. Another differential of the service is that it is exclusively aimed at patients with the problem. “We will not deal with any complaints other than tinnitus, so that we can provide a quality service, with a consultation of at least 30 minutes”, he points out.

Integrando as atividades do serviço que teve início neste mês de julho, Dra. Clarice Saba convida Dra Tanit Ganz Sanchez, pioneira em estudo sobre zumbido no Brasil, para realização das palestras "Desativação de pontos gatilhos miofaciais e controle do zumbido somatosensorial" e "Zumbido, uma abordagem multidisciplinar", no próximo dia 30, às 16h, no ADAB, com a intenção de oficializar a abertura do PAZ. Tanit Sanchez, médica paulista, professora associada da disciplina de otorrinolaringologia da FMUSP, autora do livro “Quem disse que zumbido não tem cura?” é também fundadora do GAPZ.

Created more than ten years ago, the entity has the mission of providing support and updated information to tinnitus sufferers who have important repercussions on their quality of life. This is a multidisciplinary volunteer work that takes place in seven Brazilian cities (São Paulo, Campinas, Curitiba, Brasília, Salvador, Rio de Janeiro and São José do Rio Preto). Tanit will chair the X International Tinnitus Seminar, which will take place in Brazil in 2011.


It is estimated that 17% of the world population have tinnitus. This symptom, now considered to be curable, brings disturbances to the population such as mood changes, worsening of pathologies such as hypertension and diabetes, irritability, depression, and can even lead to suicide.

Due to the strong association with several comorbidities (coexistence of disorders or diseases), tinnitus can serve as a warning sign in the decompensation of metabolic diseases with a great impact on the population, such as hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypo or hyperthyroidism, etc.

Tinnitus also has great repercussions on human communication, especially in patients with presbycusis (hearing loss related to aging), hearing loss and/or people with occupational hearing diseases.

Tinnitus treatment is essential to improve the population's quality of life. Due to the multiplicity of causes, a multidisciplinary action is necessary, including evaluation and, when necessary, treatment in internal medicine, psychology, physiotherapy, radiology, occupational therapy, dentistry, etc.

Clarice Saba

Doctor graduated by Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública (1983), completed his last year of training (6th year) at the Otorhinolaryngology Service of PUC in Porto Alegre. He has a medical residency in otorhinolaryngology at the Clínica Professor José Kós, Rio de Janeiro. Fellow in two important services in otorhinolaryngology worldwide – Jackson Memorial Hospital - USA and Groninghen Ziekenhuis – Netherlands. She is currently Technical Director of the Bahia Otorhinolaryngology Center; Preceptor of Medical Residency in Otorhinolaryngology at Santa Casa de Misericórdia da Bahia - Hospital Santa Izabel; Vice-President of the Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery of Bahia, Member of the Committee of the Department of Specialist Title of the Brazilian Association of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Coordinator and Creator of the Tinnitus Outpatient Clinic of Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública.